Giuseppina Gioia Gargiulo
Giuseppina Gioia Gargiulo is a PhD student within the program Storia, tradizione e critica dei testi nel Medioevo e nel Rinascimento at the University of Florence (11.2024-11.2027), where she is going to carry out a critical and annotated edition of Tito Vespasiano Strozzi’s vernacular translation of Petrarch’s De vita solitaria (1452-1471 ca.).
Gioia earned a BA in Classics and a MA in Modern Philology at the University of Naples Federico II. Her main research interests lie in reception studies, in the interactions between Neo-Latin and vernacular literatures, and the impact of digital tools and methodologies on these fields.
She worked on Renaissance Latin verse satires and humanistic invectivae, focusing on texts by Giano Anisio (1465/1475- post 1540) and Lorenzo Valla (1406-1457).
While at the LBI, Gioia is working on the digital transcription of the two main witnesses of Strozzi’s translation using the AI-powered platform Transkribus. The first questions she is exploring through a close reading of the translation and its paratexts concern the tension between Strozzi’s declared and actual modus vertendi.