The LBI has ceased operations at the end of its fourteen-year term.
The LBI for Neo-Latin Studies was founded in 2011 and has now reached its natural end after a period of twice seven years. Our team has had a lot of fun and joy pursuing Neo-Latin studies under this banner. We would like to thank everyone who has worked with us: it has been an honour. Neo-Latin studies will continue in Innsbruck at the Institut für Klassische Philologie und Neulateinische Studien. Please, find us there!
You can find us here at the Institut für Klassische Philologie und Neulateinische Studien.
The LBI was a project-based research institute funded for the period 2011–17. In 2018 it started its second period of funding which ended in 2024. It pursued its research programme in three specific ‘programme lines’.