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16 Mar 2021 by Ludwig Boltzmann

Bader Prize for the History of Science for Sarah Lang

LBI Fellow Sarah Lang received the Bader Prize for the History of Science from the Austrian Academy of Science and the Bader foundation for her work on the digital analysis of alchemical texts and more specifically, their characteristic stylistic device called Decknamen.

The prize is meant to support early career scholars engaging in history of science involving advisors and cooperation partners covering both science and historical studies.  The whole LBI team congratulates Sarah!

For more detailed information on the event see:  https://www.oeaw.ac.at/detail/veranstaltung/das-kosmische-netz-der-lieben-preis-und-die-beiden-bader-preise

For Sarah’s project see:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6_Nxesx5aU