The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies awarded fellowships of €1100 per month to researchers at BA, MA or Postdoc level.
The Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Neo-Latin Studies awarded fellowships to researchers at BA, MA or Postdoc level. The fellowships were for 1–6 months. Researchers were expected to work on a specific project from the field of Neo-Latin literature and to take residence in Innsbruck during the period of the fellowship. They took part in the activities of the Institute and discussed their work with its members. A talk at the end of the scholarship period presented the progress and results of the project to a larger audience.
Former Fellows
The LBI fellows so far, in alphabetical order, with their research projects.
- Alho, Tommi, M.A. (06/2017): Performing and Teaching Latin in the Restauration Grammar School (gnyub@nob.sv)
- Alvar Nuño, Guillermo, PhD (03–06/2021): Rodrigo Sánchez de Arévalo’s Latin chronicle Compendiosa Historia Hispanica (1470) (thvyyrezb.nyine@hnu.rf)
- Andersson, Daniel, Dr. (09/2017–2/2017): The Reception of Horace in 16th Century France
- Arbo, Desiree, PhD (04/2018–07/2018): Plato and the Guarani: A Translation of José Manuel Peramás’ De administratione guaranica (1793) (qneob86@tznvy.pbz)
- Aspaas, Per Pippin, PhD (02–03/2023): The Nature, Climate, and Indigenous Populations of the European Far North as Depicted in Learned Works from the Sixteenth Century (cre.cvccva.nfcnnf@hvg.ab)
- Bicak, Ivana, PhD (02/2016-04/2016): An Annotated Edition of Late Seventeenth- and Early Eighteenth-century Anglo-Latin Verse (current affiliation: Durham University, vinan.ovpnx@qheunz.np.hx)
- Borggaard, Anders Kirk, MA (08/2020–10/2020): Neo-Latin literature written for the death of King Frederik II of Denmark-Norway (1534–1588) (n.xvex@pnf.nh.qx)
- Brammal, Sheldon, PhD (10/2013–03/2014): A Study of Lawrence Humphrey’s Theory of Translation in the lnterpretatio linguarum (Basel, 1559) (current affiliation: University of Oxford)
- Bruno, Nicoletta, Dr (02/2024–06/2024): The Spanish Conquest of the Aztec Empire. Peter Martyr d’Anghiera, De Orbe Novo Decades V, 6–10 (avpbyrggn.oehab88@lnubb.vg)
- Brzozowska, Ałła, assoc. prof. dr. (11/2023–01/2024): Stephani Primi adversus Iohannem Basilidem expeditio (nyyn.oembmbjfxn@hje.rqh.cy)
- Budey, Oliver (10/2019–05/2020): Die orationes academicae von Carlo Sigonio (current affiliation: Universität Freiburg, B.Ohqrl@tzk.qr)
- Caputo, Gianpaolo, M.A. (12/2012–01/2013): Amando Maria, lodando Leopoldo: religione, potere e poetica nei Piscatoria di N. P. Giannettasio
- Cascio, Giovanni, PhD (02/2015–07/2015): Benvenuto da Imola e il Bucolicum carmen del Petrarca (pnfpvbtvbinaav@tznvy.pbz)
- Cattaneo, Gianmario, PhD (10/2018–12/2018): Nicolaus Scutellius and the reception of Plato in the sixteenth century (tvnaznevb_pnggnarb@yvoreb.vg)
- Celato, Gennaro, PhD (01/2024): The reception, circulation, and interpretation of the Tacitean corpus in the Dutch cultural context of the 16th and 17th centuries (traaneb.pryngb@havpnzcnavn.vg)
- Comiati, Giacomo, PhD (09/2020–11/2020): Sixteenth-Century Latin Translations of Petrarch’s Sonnets (tvnpbzb.pbzvngv@yvoreb.vg)
- Coroleu Lletget, Alejandro, PhD (06/2021): Neo-Latin Writings on the War of the Spanish Succession (nyrwnaqeb.pbebyrh@vpern.png)
- Czepiel, Maria, Dr (07/2024): André de Resende’s poem on the Sack of Rome (znevn.pmrcvry@oap.bk.np.hx)
- Dänzer, Caroline (geborene Weber), M.A. (08/2015–01/2016): Die Chorkonzeption von Jakob Balde in der Tragödie (pnebyvar.qnramre@jro.qr)
- Debertol, Markus, MMag. (02/2017–03/2017): Stereotypen am Hof Kaiser Maximilians I. (znexhf.qroregby@fghqrag.hvox.np.ng)
- Dedieu, Alexia, M.A. (05–07/2022): The Reception of Euripides in Florent Chrestien (nyrkvn.qrqvrh@havi-teraboyr-nycrf.se)
- Della Schiava, Fabio, PhD (06/2020–09/2020): Critical Edition of Maffeo Vegio’s De rebus antiquis memorabilibus basilicae S. Petri Romae (snovb.qryynfpuvnin@xhyrhira.or)
- Demuynck, Adriaan, MA (06/2024–08/2024): Code-switching in early modern city encomia (nqevnna.qrzhlapx@xhyrhira.or)
- De Smet, Ingrid, prof. (04/2022–06/2022): The Seal of Secrecy, the Seal of Confession: a Renaissance Paradox? (current affiliation: University of Warwick)
- Di Dio, Rocco, PhD (02/2017–05/2017): Marsilio Ficino and Renaissance Doctrine of Beauty and Love. Preparatory Notes for the De Amore (ebppb.qvqvb@ubgznvy.vg)
- Dormandy, Michael, BA (07/2013–08/2013): Words of Encouragement: Bartholomaeus Holzhauser’s Epistola Fundamentalis Considered and Compared to Contemporary British, Protestant Exhortatory Literature (currently studying Theology at Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford)
- East, Katherine, PhD (03/2014–05/2014): The Function of the Ciceronian Tradition in John Toland’s Pantheisticon (1720)
- Favaro, Maiko, PhD (08/2013–12/2013): On Ovid’s Reception in the Renaissance: The Metamorphoses by Federico Frangipane (current affiliation: Freie Universität Berlin)
- Forgács, Robert, PhD (05/2013–07/2013): The Music of the Benedictine and Jesuit Schuldramen in 18th Century Austria and Germany: Mozart, His Predecessors and Contemporaries (current affiliation: University of Sydney, eboreg@sbetnpf.vq.nh)
- Galli, Maria Teresa, PhD (11/2014–04/2015): I Centones ex Virgilio di Lelio Capilupi (1555): un caso neolatino di scomposizione e ricomposizione di Virgilio (pryfvhf.nc@ubgznvy.pbz)
- Goda, Krizstina, Mag. (04/2017–05/2017): Artes et Scientiae (xevfmgvan.tbqn@rqh.hav-tenm.ng)
- Gordeziani, Lika, MA (01/2018–02/2018): Die Adagia des Erasmus von Rotterdam als Fürstenspiegel (yvxntbeqrmvnav@lnubb.se)
- Germain, Gerard González, PhD (10/2014–01/2015): The reception of Classics in the Florentine Chancery: Agostino Vespucci, Renaissance Reader and Neo-Latin Writer (current affiliation: University of Alcalá, treneqttreznva@tznvy.pbz)
- Hadley, Patrick, M.A. (09/2012–02/2013): Nicodemus Frischlin’s Approach to the Byzantine Triad of Aristophanes (current affiliation: University of Utah, cgfhcrefpevcg@tznvy.pbz)
- Harrison, Stephen, prof (07/2024): The Silvae of George Buchanan (fgrcura.uneevfba@ppp.bk.np.hx)
- Hess, Nathaniel, M.A. (04/2023–06/2023): Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola and Marco Girolamo Vida: Latin hexameter hymns in an era of change (angunavry.urff@bhgybbx.pbz)
- Houghton, Luke, PhD (02/2014–05/2014): The Neo-Latin “nativity eclogue” (current affiliation: University of Reading)
- Huth, Manuel (07/2020–09/2020): Die naturkundlichen Schriften des Humanisten Joachim Camerarius (1500–1574) (znahry.uhgu@znvyobk.bet)
- Iurlaro, Francesca, PhD (10/2018–12/2018): Lessons from shepherds – Alberico Gentili’s Lectionis Virgilianae Variae Liber ad Robertum filium (1603) (current affiliation: Università degli Studi di Milano, Senaprfpn.Vheyneb@rhv.rh)
- Kaiser, Ronny, M.A. (11/2016–01/2017): Das Geschichtsbild in der Pomerania Johannes Bugenhagens (current affiliation: FU Berlin, ebaal.xnvfre@fgnss.uh-oreyva.qr)
- Laizans, Martins (01/2020–08/2020): The Didactic Poetry of Basilius Plinius (znegvaf.ynvmnaf@yh.yi)
- Lizzul, Giorgio, PhD (07–09/2021): Venetian humanists’ discussion of public finance in the fifteenth century: Domenico Morosini (1417–1509), De bene instituta re publica (Tvbetvb.Yvmmhy@jnejvpx.np.hx)
- Lucioli, Francesco, PhD (01/2016–06/2016): Theory of Theatre in Bernardino Stefonio (current affiliation: University College Dublin, senaprfpb.yhpvbyv@hpq.vr)
- Malavesi, Massimiliano, PhD (04/2017–06/2017): Il Momus di Famiano Strada (zn.znyninfv@tznvy.pbz)
- Marsico, Clementina, PhD (07/2014–08/2014): On Virgil’s Reception in the Renaissance: The Elegantie by Lorenzo Valla (current affiliation: Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for NeoLatin Studies, pyrzragvan.znefvpb@arbyngva.yot.np.ng)
- Martens, Christian (02–03/2023): François Hotman’s Historical Works (p.znegraf@fghqrag.hpybhinva.or)
- McOmish, David, PhD (06/2016–07/2016): The Latin Literary Context of the Scientific Revolution in Scotland (Qnivq.ZpBzvfu@tynftbj.np.hx)
- Mennis, Katherine, PhD (05/2023–08/2023): James I’s Lepanto and the Educational Context of ‚Latinization‘ (xngurevar.zraavf@fbzr.bk.np.hx)
- Meyer, Jonathan, BA/MAR (10/2013–01/2014): The Last Latin Novels from the Habsburg Empire: Texts and Contexts (current affiliation: Johns Hopkins University, wzrlre47@wuh.rqh)
- Miglietti, Sara, Dr. (10/2023): Self-Translation in Renaissance France (fnen.zvtyvrggv@fnf.np.hx)
- Miguel Franco, Ruth, PhD (03/2018): Edition of the First Book of Valla’s Elegantie (ehgu.zvthry@hvo.rf)
- Montepaone, Olivia, M.A. (08/2014–09/2014): The reception of Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis in Celio Secondo Curione’s Pasquillus extativus (1544) (current affiliation: Università degli Studi di Milano, byvivn.zbagrcnbar@havzv.vg)
- Nicholas, Lucy, PhD (05–08/2019): Looking at the Sixteenth-Century through a Latin lens. The prose and verse of Walter Haddon (yhpl.avpubynf@xpy.np.hx)
- Nilsson, Astrid, PhD (11/2021–04/2022): An anthology of Neo-Latin poetry from Northern Europe.
- Oba, Haruka (08/2015–09/2015): Die Wahrnehmung Japans im Heiligen Römischen reich und der Eidgenossenschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit (unehxn0508@ubgznvy.pbz)
- Okamoto-MacPhail, Aiko, PhD (07–08/2023): Neo-Latin as medium for Early Modern Philosophy and Intellectual spreading (znpcunvy@vaqvnan.rqh)
- Orbán, Áron, M.A. (06/2016–08/2016): Solar-Symbolismus und poetische Selbstrepräsentation in der Dichtung des Konrad Celtis und seiner Sodalen (beonaneba@tznvy.pbz)
- Parga Ornelas, Iván, PhD (07–09/2024): Mantovano’s Reception of Classical Poets (vina.cnetnbearynf@wrfhf.bk.np.hx)
- Patterson, Tyler, M.A. (072019–08/2019): Poggio Bracciolini’s De Varietate Fortunae I. A New All-Latin Edition and Commentary for Intermediate Students (current affiliation: University of Southern California, gacnggre@hfp.rqh)
- Petneházi, Gábor, PhD (04/2017–07/2017): Politics and Historiography in Hungary in the 16th Century (crgarunmv_tnobe@lnubb.vg)
- Piccone, Carla, PhD (05/2015–07/2015): Revision der kritischen Edition der Felsinais Vidas (pneyn.cvppbar@tznvy.pbz)
- Rack, Melissa,PhD (08/2021): The Reception and Imitation of Catullus via Neo-Latin Authors in Spenser’s Shorter Lyric Verse (ynynynzenpx@tznvy.pbz)
- Rainer, Rupert, MA (11/2021–04/2022): Chariton polis: The City of Graces.
- Rossetti, Federica, PhD (10/2017–03/2018): The Reception of Persius and Seneca in the Sixteenth Century (srqre.ebffrggv@tznvy.pbz)
- Rothfuß, Theresa, Dr. (07/2020–08/20): Übersetzung der Bernatum urbis delineatio des Thomas Schöpf (Gurerfn.Ebgushff@tlzanfvhz-bggboehaa.qr)
- Ryczkowski, Patryk, MMag (11/2018–05/2019): Susanna im Bade – Susanna im Gedicht: Zur literarischen Technik der biblischen Nacherzählung in der Paraphrasis historiae de Susanna (current affiliation: cngelx.elpmxbjfxv@tznvy.pbz)
- Sahr, Eva, MA (10–12/2023): Averroes’ Theory of Demonstration in Sixteenth-Century Italy (rin.fnue@hav-jhremohet.qr)
- Sandis, Elizabeth, MPhil (07/2014–09/2014): On the relationship between grammar schools and university drama in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century England (current affiliation: Merton College, University of Oxford, R.Fnaqvf@ounz.np.hx)
- Schirg, Bernhard, Dr. (08/2017–09/2017): Die lateinischen Dialoge des Mario Equicola (current affiliation: Universität Erfurt, oreauneq.fpuvet@tzk.qr)
- Sernicola, Roberto, M.A. (09/2014–11/2014): Epistola apologetica ad Quintum Marium Corradum (1567)
- Shirley, Skye (04/2024–06/2024): Anna Maria Arduino’s Rosa Parnassi (fxlrfuveyrl@tznvy.pbz)
- Shore, Paul, PhD (08/2016–09/2016): Baroque Jesuits and the Qur’an: Secrets, Surprises, and Scripture (current affiliation: University of Regina, fuber.fyh@tznvy.pbz)
- Sideri, Cecilia, PhD (06–08/2021): Cristoforo Landino’s knowledge of Greek as witnessed in some of his autograph manuscripts (‘zibaldoni’) preserved in Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana (prpvyvn.fvqrev@havir.vg)
- Silvano, Luigi, PhD (11/2016–01/2017): Witnessing the Fall of Constantinople. Ubertino Puscolo and Isidore of Kiew (current affiliation: Sapienza Università di Roma, yhvtv.fvyinab@havgb.vg
- Stefaniw, Katharina, PhD candidate (07–08/2021): Nicolaus Cusanus: Coniectura de ulitmis diebus (xngunevan.fgrsnavj@hav-ghrovatra.qr)
- Stepanic, Gorana, PhD (07/2015–07/2015): Latin Pattern Poetry in the 17th and 18th Century Habsburg Lands (tfgrcnavp@lnubb.pbz)
- Tadel, Alex, MA (11–12/2023): Women and Neo-Latin Correspondence in Quattrocento Veneto (Nyrk.Gnqry@jnejvpx.np.hx)
- Tardelli, Claudia, PhD (04/2018–06/2018): Critical edition of Breve Compendium on Dante’s Commedia (p.gneqryyvgreel@tznvy.pbz)
- Toribio, Pablo, PhD (03/2016–06/2016): Martin Seidels Origo et fundamenta religionis Christianae (1580) (cnoyb.gbevovb@ppuf.pfvp.rf)
- Urban-Godziek, Grażyna, prof. (04/2022–06/2022): The earliest Neo-Latin paraclausithyron as a background for elegiac Latin and Polish output of Jan Kochanowski (current affiliation: University of Cracow)
- Urlings, Sam, M.A. (04/2021–05/2021): St Augustine in Coluccio Salutati (fnz.heyvatf@xhyrhira.or)
- Vorobyev, Grigory, PhD (05/2018–09/2018): Das frühneuzeitliche Nachleben der von Theodor Gaza eingeführten Tiernamen (tibebolri@ufr.eh)
- Wouters, Dinah, Dr (06/2024–07/2024): Reception and Colonialism in Neo-Latin Literature (qvanu.jbhgref@uhltraf.xanj.ay)
- Xinyue, Bobby, PhD (08/2017): Redesigning Time: the politics of Renaissance poetic calendars (lk213@yrvprfgre.np.hx)