Nikolaus Hölzl
Nikolaus Hölzl studied Latin Philology at Innsbruck University. For his MA thesises, he dealt with the Homerus Latinus known as Baebius (?) Italicus’ Ilias Latina (“Ilias Latina. Einleitung, Text, deutsche Übersetzung und Erläuterungen”) and with two Neo-Latin academic speeches from Innsbruck in the 18th century (“Zwei lateinische Universitätsreden des Innsbrucker Universitätsprofessors Ignaz Weinhart S.J.”).
From April 2014 to August 2020, he worked as an administrative assistant at the LBI, and joined the FWF-funded project on Basinio da Parma’s Hesperis as a researcher from September 2020 to August 2021.