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Paola Rosa Filisetti

Paola has an MA in Modern Philology from the University of Trento, where she is now a PhD candidate in Classical Philology within the interdisciplinary program in “Forms of cultural exchange”. Her research interests include the history of books, Italian and German Renaissance literature in Latin and the European reception of Classical Latin between the 15th and 16th centuries.

Her doctoral project is the critical edition, translation, and commentary of the Stultifera Navis (1497) by Jakob Locher (1471-1528), a Neo-Latin poem primarily known as the translation of the Narrenschiff (1494, “The ship of fools”), a German poem composed by Locher’s mentor, Sebastian Brant (1457-1521).

While at the LBI, Paola will be working on the collection and interpretation of Locher’s allusions to Classical authors and genres (especially authors of satires such as Horace, Persius, and Juvenal).



– (expected in 2024) “Giovenale in Germania. La ricezione delle Satire nella Stultifera Navis di Jakob Locher”. Atti del convegno dottorale “Testo, autore, pubblico. Forme di ricezione dall’antichità alla modernità”, Verona 24-26 novembre 2022, Università di Verona.


– 2023. University of Trento, “The Reception of Myth in Literature from Antiquity to Modernity”, Trento, October 23-25. Co-organizer of the international conference together with the colleagues of the doctoral course “Forms of cultural exchange”.
– 2023. Sapienza University of Rome, Doctoral conference “Rethinking Catastrophe in Precarious Times”, Rome, July 6-7. Paper presented: “Meteore e propaganda. I mirabilia di Sebastian Brant nell’Umanesimo tedesco”.
– 2022. University of Trento, Course of Latin language and literature held by prof. Sandro La Barbera, Trento, November 9. Paper presented: “The reception of Ovid, Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto, in Jakob Locher’s Stultifera Navis (1497)”.
– 2022. University of Verona, Doctoral conference “Testo, autore, pubblico. Forme di ricezione dall’antichità alla modernità”, Verona, November 24-26. Paper presented: “Giovenale in Germania. La ricezione delle Satire nella Stultifera Navis di Jakob Locher”.
– 2021. Universität Bamberg, online workshop “Transfer und Transformation. Werk und überlieferungsgeschichtliche Dynamiken im Œuvre von Sebastian Brant”, December 3-4. Paper presented: “Die Rezeption der lateinisch klassischen Quellen in Jakob Lochers Stultifera Navis“.